Monday, January 25, 2010

Sheppard Rd Blues

The rat race decided that I would spend the past seven days working on a collaboration project with another site. In short, there was plenty of stress, confusion, and cold calling to the Atlanta site.

Cold calling is always a load of fun, emphasis on cold...and fun:

"Hi, this is Jorgen...I from the Minnesota office."


"Yea, I need to know the old 1999 specifications for XX program."

"Wait, who's this?"

Friday night was spent still at my desk, by the time I came home it was 2am with still a powerpoint to finish for a group meeting tomorrow. In short, by the time I was ready to show some Madisonite friends a night out I was cracked up on 5-hour energy and chocolate milk. We chose alcohol at Tom Reids, bowling at Airport Bowl, and relaxing back at the cribs. By the time we stumbled back, I was barely keeping my eyes open. Krista annoyingly insisted we bake brownies while I passed out for the night.


The hangover was unbearable. We made our way to Pannekoeken Huis in St. Louis Park for morning grub. Not wanting to be the social type when the inevitable end occurred, I curled up on the couch and watched Farve smirk his way out of the Superbowl. I hope this isn't a sign for the rest of the week.


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