I'm getting into rhythm with the writing. Thinking about changing the front page a bit when I have more time this week.
Since our coupling drifted on the last southern-bound barge, the girlfriend insisted on a date night. Krista's a Wisconsin a native, so while she was screaming at my sorry ass over the Vikings game she's never once seen the Ice Palace, the ice sculptures, or even met a Vulcan. We made our way downtown only to be trapped in a parade. I was screaming out my window while little twerps were packing into the St. Paul. Kris enjoyed the gay festivities...I might have been a little teary eyed myself if I had chugged a pint of Salmari 20 minutes prior. The lights and screaming, freezing children never appealed to my palet. I struggled to remain afloat until dinner.
2 hours later I was seated in a stout by Mancini's, the lady was appalled by the food by the cuisine but the alcohol was enough so I could stand her. As my colleagues remarked outside a Shanghai massage parlour, that was happy ending.
I love St. Paul.
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